Saturday 30 November 2013

Artist: Lee Se-yong (South Korea)

Korean ceramic artist, Lee Se Yong, creates opposites. Embracing tradition, he refines and redefines basics with modern forms of clay-sculpturing, at the same time working freely with both traditional and modern images. The ancient craft of inlay, spinning and firing is his favoured mode of artistic delivery.

Seeking inspiration from nature, Lee emphasizes imperfection and perfection at the same time. His style is purposely minimalist and at times asymmetrical and roughly textured, seemingly unfinished and flawed. Yet he attains perfection through the intricate artistry of the work. Using blue paint on white porcelain, Lee is concerned with depicting light and shade, delicate lines and bold spaces.

Lee also blends the gap between utility and aestheticism seamlessly. While the idea of the everyday object is not new, Lee’s unique contribution lies in the creation rather than the product and creates ceramic works that are conceptual in ideas and form. 

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