Sunday 3 November 2013

Artist: Shih Li-Jen (Taiwan)

Shih Li-Jen was born in Changhua County, Taiwan, 1955, a celebrated art curator and art manager in China and Taiwan. In 2004 and 2006, Shih Li-Jen won a major award of the "Art and Business Aware" from the Council for Culture Affairs, Taiwan. As the years working with international master artists such as César, F. Arman, P. Hiquily ... etc, that arouse his creativity. His paintings and sculptures presented family affection between animals. The works of Rhino Family express his views toward life and world, through the roles of a family, it tells Shih Li-Jen's characters of both being strong and tender, on his way of leading the trend, he pays homage to the eternal aesthetics of classics.

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